The Four Pillars of Mental Health

The Four Pillars of Mental Health

“We all have a right to live well. Wellbeing is not just a thing we do at night or at the weekend, wellbeing is an active state of being.”

James Hitchen

Which pillars are you building up and which are you neglecting?

“Humans are social beings, and we are happier, and better, when connected to others.”

Paul bloom, psychologist

As mental health and wellness are key considerations for the events industry, IBTM World is committed to providing information and strategies to help #eventprofs manage their mental health, both at events and year-round. You can find all our blogs on the topic here.

In addition to the insights provided in this infographic and our blogs, you can also access sessions delivered by James Hitchen, Laura Capell-Abra, Helen Moon and John Martinez on our YouTube channel, where they share their insights into managing their own mental health and also managing the mental health of their teams.

IBTM Mental Health and Wellness Playlist

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